COUNTDOWN: 12 days!
school is good. everything's cool. I'm sick again. If i leave my nose alone.. it falls like Niagara Falls.. now around my nose is dry and it looks like snots sticking out. I tried putting lotion and peeling it off.. :/ not working so well. Anyways, I feel like Matsuyama right about ... NOW. I want sushi and Chicken Teriyaki Don! Just thinking about it makes me drool! talking about drool.. I came over to Crystal right after school today and Kristine was taking a nap and she was drooling! HAHA... sorry Kris.
Spring Break SPRING BREAK Spprinng breakkk!
I will be in Florida at Disneyworld with besties. I'm SOOO EXCITED!! I'm going to list things i'm going to bring!
- RAZOR! i get so hairy in hot days.
- Toothbrush, Shampoo, Conditioner, deodorant stick, Face Moisturizer, Lotion, Make-Up Remover, Tweezer, Hair brush.
- Flip flops
- Shorts and tees
- Underwears and Bras
- Bikini x2
- Accessories
- Sweaters and long sleeve shirts (just in case)
- Camera and Camera battery charger
- 1 purse to carry a bunch of crap on the plane and 1 waist pouch for DisneyWorld.
- Books, magazines, Ipod and games.
- Medications and allergy pills
- Homeworks. boo!
That's it.. I think. I probably will bring more than what i've just listed but I think i've listed all the important stuff for me to bring! okay.done.bye.