Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas ♥

I still have guests over my place. They were here since Christmas Eve afternoon. My mom hosted a Christmas party @ our place. Talking & relaxing with bunch of adults & kids. Unfortunately, no one around my age haha.. It is 12:45 am & they are still here.. playing poker, drinking & watching music videos while us kids are either sleeping or playing & me... on bloggin`. fun. I'll probably get back out there & watch their poker game.. AFTER, i rant about this shit => SOME fuck stepped on my dog's POOP in my ROOM & ditched! They didnt say shit & left my room with squished shit on the floor. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD & DISGUSTING TO WASH SQUISHED SHIT ON THE FLOOR?.. urgh. If that image isnt disgusting, i dont know what is! Who is blind enough NOT to see huge dog shit on the floor? HAH. Well anyway, i cleaned it & it wasn't enjoyable. AT ALL! . . . Merry Christmas to me. woohoo. Other than that... I am having a pretty good christmas so far! Thanks to my friends & family . .


  1. I'm glad you like my gift!

    just another day to show my love for people i care for!

    P.S: I see you're addicted to this now ;)

  2. wow more make-up eh?
    lol. that poop thing def didn't sound fun at all...:S

    anyways merry christmas!
