Wednesday, February 11, 2009


well since i am just that oh so cool!
I am replying you guys here instead of my comments
because you guys left me huge ass comments!

Sorry but dancing and listening to single ladies is torture. you have no idea how much i hate that song! If you shit in your pants please do it outside! HAHA what movie do you want to watch then? i thought watching chick flicks would be awesome! we could make cheesecake @ my place! Grace TEACH US! Grace bring the ingredients! we will all do it together!

Dana Banana:
yeah! he asked me out. next Thursday. Help! lucky? HAH! right.. but we will see! Today at school i just acted like we were cool and that he didn't just asked me out.
"i didn't think it'd be possible for girls to actually trash a house, unless it's something along the lines of like 'baking gone wrong'" HAHA yeah hopefully none of that! but i don't mind if the kitchen is a mess! BTW your future husband better NOT be Chris Evans. Sorry but he's taken :)

That's your new nickname from now on. wake up + swana= swankup!
anyways, Swana! i don't care if "baking gone wrong" or "baking gone wild" you are baking with us! yay for single ladies night! Natalie already watched "hes just not that into you" already! so.. yeah! i really want to watch it though.. maybe next week or something?

Funny story:
The guy sitting next to me which is the same guy that asked me out.. asked for my number and i accidentally gave him my mom's number! HAHA okay bye! xox


1 comment:

    HAHAHA hey, whats your number?
    okay that was lame.

    hahaha i was totes joking about single ladies. it is torture!
    i want to watch FUNNY movies.
    omg ya lets bake a cheesecake then! :D
    lets just bake...period. haha.

    woot i have this three flavours mixes at my house that are probs real good with coolers but then again coolers have flavour. :S anyways ya nvm. ill stop now.
