Thursday, August 19, 2010

Whale Watching.

This is one of the time when I can actually say I love my life. It was so unreal! The Aquarium got nothing on them. This is more real. No tricks. Unexpected. I can't put it in words. You have to be there! It was a unique experience. My videos & pictures doesn't do it justice. We saw other animals too but the whales were amazing. We saw tail waving, spy hopping & we were lucky enough to see whale calves sticking with their mother! Where we were there were 87 whales! we didn't see them all but we saw a lot! one of the whale named Onyx followed us half the trip. I've never seen anything more amazing than this. This is a must do. DO IT! My life is complete. lol

2 whales swam under the water & popped up right at us & kinda did the wave thing & went on their back & swam away lol it was amazing except I didn't expect it.. So i didn't have the time to turn my camera on & show you guys the beginning! :(

Here.. Onyx swam right at us & went under our boat! I missed when he poked up on the other side of the boat! :( I actually missed couple of good shots cause I was saving my battery since I thought they were other pictures worth taking.. got upset that I didnt just waste it all on the whales!

I want to go back again :( live there forever & ever & ever.


  1. dude I am so jealous it sounds so fun! lol too bad there isnt some potion we could just drink to make us become mermaids and play with them for free..

  2. it was fun!! we should do this somedayy! hahaha i wish :(
